
At the beginning of the walk, I was quite apprehensive (I think the rest of us were too)… but as we went along, we started talking to each other and forgot about everything happening around us.
~ Bram

The intention was to see your world from different perspectives. What struck me was the sense of approachability that emerged. What touched me was how people interacted with each other that day; you could see more of what people were thinking.
~ Kimberly

Positive energy. Discovering nature. What stuck with me the most was being together in nature. Good conversations in a free environment, without focusing on studying. In the beginning, the tasks were a bit awkward, but soon the class opened up.
~ Jennifer

Looking back at the entire experiment, I’m glad I joined. There are many different and simple things you can do to make yourself happier. Doing good deeds more often, giving compliments, or simply playing. These things are easy and fun to do.
~ Lora

One image that truly stands out for me is the sun shining through Sonsbeek Park from behind a tree. Taking a breath of fresh air so early in the morning and seeing the sun rays coming through the trees was beautiful.
~ Koen

The image that stayed with me is the whole class working together to complete a task, which was enjoyable to see.
~ Danny

Giving compliments was a wake-up call for me. Why don’t I give compliments to the people closest to me more often? To me, many of the tasks were meant for oneself, to open up creatively and expand your comfort zone.
~ Bram

Happiness is giving love, being grateful, having hope, enjoying, and being yourself. 
~ Emma