36 Questions for Increasing Closeness 

“Around the time of the Summer of Love in 1967, Arthur Aron, then a UC Berkeley graduate student in psychology, kissed fellow student Elaine Spaulding in front of Dwinelle Hall. What they felt at that moment was so profound that they soon married and teamed up to investigate the mysteries of attraction and intimacy.”Source: https://news.berkeley.edu/2015/02/12/love-in-the-lab …


S.ystems T.heory O.f R.einventing Y.ouIf we are all storytellers, or even better, if ‘we are the stories we live’, according to Bohlmeijer (2013), then you can continuously reinvent yourself in the story you tell of yourself … Tell your stories from the core, from within, from your #thePowertoFlower. Through our stories, we connect with each …

Walking the Talk

“The best designers (leaders) understand the need to “walk the talk” – that is, their behavior and day-to-day actions have to match the aspirations they have for their clients and target groups. But the more time I spend with game-changing innovators the more I appreciate the need for designers to “talk the walk” – that …